Cross Platform App Dev Services

At Pumex, we take pride in providing reliable and creative cross-platform app development services for a diversity of business purposes.

By also providing other multiplatform services like web design, data analytics, and social media management, we empower companies worldwide through forward-thinking innovation.

    Talk to our Experts

    Why choose Pumex for cross-platform web development?

    Custom Cross-Platform App Development that Delivers!

    Whether you’re a start-up business looking for more affordable and efficient custom app solutions or an established company with an extensive network of customers and employees that need cross-platform support, Pumex is here to help. With our top-notch team of developers experienced in programming for iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Windows Desktop, and Windows Store Apps, we adopt Agile practices like SCRUM to get the job done right, on time, and without sacrificing quality.

    Reduced development costs

    A big perk of our cross-platform web development services is our more affordable price tag. Since our apps use a single codebase that is highly compatible with both iOS and Android devices, businesses save on licensing fees typically associated with purchasing separate apps for each OS. Not only will your business save time and money, but you can also then use these savings in other areas of the organization.

    Faster delivery time

    As part of our agile development process, Pumex professionals work closely with your in-house team to develop applications that are aligned with your specific business objectives. We understand how vital it is for businesses to have the proper IT infrastructure in place before rolling out newly custom cross-platform apps, which is why we also provide thorough project management services every step of the way.

    Easier maintenance

    The single codebase design used for all platforms enables developers to make updates quickly, consistently, and only after syncing everything across all systems. Our cross-platform app development services also include ongoing software maintenance to make sure your custom mobile solution is always up-to-date. This means that even after your apps are released, you can rely on the Pumex team for assistance with any future platform updates or potential debugging issues.

    Continual software updates

    With so many different mobile devices on the market today, it’s no surprise that new OS updates are constantly being released. Our dedicated team of Pumex programmers makes future-proofing your custom app a top priority by modifying according to changes made in new OS releases. Our development team evaluates each new releases, analyzes the proposed changes, and installs an update, if necessary. The need to keep pace with industry trends is part of our commitment to providing high-quality custom apps.

    More about Pumex custom cross-platform apps

    Setting the Benchmark: Unmatched Cross-Platform App Development

    Our team of imaginative developers has decades of experience designing custom solutions for iOS, Android, Windows Store Apps, and Windows Desktop apps. At Pumex, we take advantage of the latest technologies to provide the following custom cross-platform app development services and more! At Pumex, our goal is to provide your customers and end users with the optimum cross-platform experience and unfettered access to your company services from any device.

    Custom Cross-Platform Apps

    At Pumex, we design, build, and deploy custom cross-platform apps that run efficiently on multiple platforms. Whether you’re a start-up business trying to increase brand name recognition and customer engagement or an established company seeking cross-platform support for your customers and employees, our team is ready to help. We also modify legacy cross-platform applications developed by other companies—and we modify them according to your precise specifications!

    Cross-Platform Deployments

    Our cross-platform app deployment is as simple as a few clicks. We have cross-platform solutions for every major web hosting platform, including those from Amazon Web Services, Google Apps Engine, Heroku, and more! Our team of cross-platform specialists has extensive experience with mobile deployment to iOS and Android platforms—and will even work with your company to develop customized deployments that meet the precise goals and objectives of your unique application project.

    Agile Methodologies

    Our cross-platform app development team uses Agile methodologies like SCRUM and the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), enabling better collaboration between various departments within your organization. These techniques result in faster development cycles with reduced costs and improved quality assurance processes. Furthermore, working within these Agile methodologies allows our engineers to deploy your cross-platform applications on time and within budget.

    Post-Deployment Support

    Our cross-platform application deployment experts know how to overcome the often-unforeseen hurdles and challenges involving every imaginable platform. We will happily provide on-site training for your employees, help plan scalable infrastructure that is easily expandable in the future, and even offer custom solutions that give you complete control over the functionality and appearance of your cross-platform applications.

    Quality Assurance & App Testing

    With any of our cross-platform app development projects, the Pumex team always provides a comprehensive quality assurance and testing strategy to ensure maximum cross-platform functionality and compatibility. A rigorous QA process reduces the risk of bugs and defects, saves on costs, and ensures fast and efficient deployment.

    Cross-Platform Web Development, Training, and Support

    Our cross-platform application specialists at Pumex will always work closely with your company to guarantee project success—from inception to construction and all the way through to post-launch support. We also offer public classes for those looking to break into cross-platform app development—and customized private courses and instruction for companies looking to train their in-house employees.

    Mobile App Design & Branding

    At Pumex, we always conduct our cross-platform application customization services with the end user in mind. We design custom cross-platform apps that look and feel native to each respective platform while still maintaining a consistent brand across all devices. We offer a comprehensive suite of design services, spanning UX research, wireframing, prototyping, user interface design, branding design, and more!

    At Pumex, our goal is to provide your customers and end users with the optimum cross-platform experience and unfettered access your company’s business services from any device. Our team of imaginative developers has decades of experience designing custom solutions for iOS, Android, Windows Store Apps, and Windows Desktop apps. At Pumex, we take advantage of the latest technologies to provide the following custom cross-platform app development services and more! CONTACT PUMEX TODAY

    What people say about us

    But that's not all!

    Pumex cross-platform app development solutions also provide the following benefits:

    Maximum exposure to the target audience

    Reduced development cost

    Easier deployments

    Quicker development process

    Reusable code

    Easy integration with the cloud

    Integration with third-party systems and databases

    Uniform design

    Single codebase for both iOS and Android

    Social networking applications

    Faster Time-to-Market

    Expedited customization

    Geolocation apps

    Media content distribution and management

    eCommerce applications

    Project management systems

    Healthcare applications

    Numerous technologies available


    React Native



    Codename OnePython





    Pumex has a proven track record of success across a wide range of industries, including retail, healthcare, financial services, tourism, and media. For more information on our custom cross-platform applications services for driving business growth and increasing revenue

    Why choose

    Pumex for custom cross-platform apps?

    At Pumex, we’re driven by one thing – our clients’ success. As a world leader in cross-platform app development and customization with years of experience delivering profitable results, we are well-known throughout the industry for our custom solutions, expert engineering staff, and enterprise-level customer service.

    We work closely with all our clients—regardless of size, industry, or area of specialization— throughout every step of the project, from brainstorming sessions to quality assurance testing and custom app deployments.

    The Pumex Commitment and Guarantee

    24x7 support

    Free 30 days support

    95% on-time delivery

    Flexible and agile

    Rapid response, quickresolution

    100% transparency andintegrity

    State-of-the-art cybersecurity

    when you choose pumex as your reliable partner in cyber investigations, protections, and security management, you gain a significant advantage over the competition. we only provide the best-in-class security solutions that will ensure proper thread detection and response to meet the needs and budget of your organization. for more information on our custom cybersecurity solutions and services

    Case Studies

    Certificate -
    IAIW Data ETL Development and Salesforce Integration

    Internation Association of Ironworkers Data ETL Development and Ongoing Synch...

    read more
    Certificate -
    IAIW Salesforce CMS Website Development

    Internation Association of Ironworkers Salesforce CMS Website Development About the...

    read more
    Certificate -
    RAPS Website Development

    Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society Website Development About the Regulatory Affairs...

    read more
    Certificate -
    NIC Salesforce Communities Development

    National Investment Center for Senior Housing & Care Salesforce Communities...

    read more

    Read Our Blog

    Decoding Native vs. Hybrid Apps: Real-World Case Studies
    Antony Marceles Antony Marceles

    1. Is the Uber app native or hybrid? The Uber app is a native app, not a hybrid. Uber's app...

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    Introduction to Hybrid Apps
    Antony Marceles Antony Marceles

    1. What is hybrid app development? Hybrid app development is a process in which applications are built using web technologies...

    Read More

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    What happens next?

    Our sales team will get in touch with you.

    We will put together a team of experts to understand your requirement.

    We will prepare and present to you our solution, along with the cost estimate and timeline.