Preparing for Release

Optimizing Performance

Before releasing your app, optimizing its performance is important to ensure a smooth user experience.

Consider the following:

  • Minimize Animation Jank: Make sure animations run at 60fps by profiling and optimizing performance using Flutter DevTools.
  • Reduce App Size: Use the flutter build apk –split-per-abi (for Android) or flutter build ios –release (for iOS) commands to build your app, which helps reduce its size.
  • Optimize Images: Compress images and use the appropriate resolutions to minimize the impact on app size and performance.

Building for iOS and Android


  • Generate an App Bundle or APK: Use flutter build appbundle to generate an App Bundle for the Google Play Store or flutter build apk for an APK.

Sign Your App: Ensure your app is signed with the correct key before uploading it to the Play Store


  • Archive and Upload: Open your iOS project in Xcode, select Product > Archive, and follow the prompts to upload your app to App Store Connect.
  • App Store Review: Make sure your app complies with the App Store Review Guidelines before submitting it for review.

Application Versioning

Proper versioning is essential for app maintenance and user clarity. Flutter uses a simple versioning system located in the pubspec.yaml file.

Version Format

The version is specified in a major.minor.patch+build format.

For example, version: 1.0.0+1.

    • Major: Indicates significant changes that may break compatibility.
    • Minor: Introduces new features in a backward-compatible manner.
    • Patch: Fixes bugs and makes minor improvements without adding new features.

Build: An optional number that indicates iterations

version: 1.0.0+1

When preparing for a new release, increment the appropriate version number(s) based on the changes made. This practice helps track different versions of your app and manage updates efficiently.

Publishing to App Stores

Google Play Store

1. Create a Google Play Developer Account

Sign up for a developer account on the Google Play Console. There’s a one-time fee associated with creating the account.

2. Prepare App Listing

Before uploading the app bundle or APK, prepare your app’s listing with screenshots, a detailed description, categorization, and other metadata.

3. Upload the App Bundle or APK

Use the Play Console to upload your app’s release bundle or APK. You’ll need to create a new app release in the console, where you can manage the app’s artifacts.

4. Set Content Rating and Pricing

Complete the content rating questionnaire and set up your app’s pricing and distribution details.

5. Review and Publish

Submit your app for review. Once approved, you can publish it immediately or schedule the launch.

Apple App Store

1. Enroll in the Apple Developer Program

Enrollment is required to publish apps on the App Store. There’s an annual membership fee.

2. Prepare Your App for Submission

Use Xcode to archive and prepare your app for submission. Ensure your app complies with Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines.

3. Create Your App Listing in App Store Connect

Similar to the Play Store, set up your app’s listing in App Store Connect with screenshots, descriptions, and other necessary information.

4. Upload Your App Using Xcode

Xcode integrates with App Store Connect, allowing you to upload your app directly from the IDE after archiving.

5. Submit for Review

Once your app is uploaded, submit it for review. You can monitor the status of your submission in App Store Connect.

6. Release Your App

After approval, you can choose to release your app immediately or schedule a release date.

Managing App Updates and Feedback

Releasing Updates

Both app stores allow you to release updates to your app. Use this opportunity to fix bugs, add new features, and improve performance. Ensure each update is accompanied by versioning and changelog details.

Monitoring Feedback

User reviews and ratings are valuable sources of feedback. Monitor these closely and consider user suggestions and complaints in future updates.


Engage with your users through the review section by responding to feedback. This can improve your app’s rating and user satisfaction.

Publishing your Flutter app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store opens up your project to millions of potential users. The process requires careful planning and attention to detail but is a critical step in the app development lifecycle. Properly managing app updates and user feedback post-launch is equally important for sustaining your app’s success and growth.